El Dios que no existe

Escuche un sermon por Andy Stanley   done hablo acerca de los Dioses (o versiones de Dios) que no existen, y me fascinó el tema. Explico que es normal que alguna gente no cree en Dios,  porque la imagen que tienen de Dios es incorrecta e inexistente. Por ejemplo: El Dios que depende de la Biblia Menciona otras versiones que no… Read more →

El rechazo es bueno

He recibido muchos rechazos, cuando al buscar un nuevo trabajo o una nueva relación. Por otra parte, he obtenido trabajos y relaciones que resultaron muy muy malas. Ahora me doy cuenta que que el rechazo es bueno. El rechazo como el dolor es algo que evito a toda costa. Al pensarlo bien, todos los rechazos que he recibido me han… Read more →

Rejection is good

I’ve had a lot of rejections, when I look for a job or a relationship. Haven gotten some jobs and some relationships that I should have not, I now realize that rejections are good. Rejection like pain is not welcomed, I avoid it at all costs. However upon reflection, I think all rejections I’ve got so far have avoided something… Read more →

David VS Goliath

I really like it when science or secular philosophy analyzes a biblical story. This particular TED talk is about the story of David VS Goliath and how we often, perhaps mistakenly, we assume that the giant (Goliath) should be the favorite to win. [ted id=1831] Malcom Glaldwell makes some interesting points: Goliath probably suffered from giantism, which gave him some… Read more →


As I kid I loved these movies, I was amazed!




Proverbs II

My posts titled Proverbs are a collection of quotes that have impacted me in some way and that I like to share with friends when I get a chance. In some cases they are profound, in some others they are just funny  and not so edifying. Here are some manly quotes from movies, I selected a few that I like:… Read more →