Category: English

  • A hypothesis about interviewing …

    A hypothesis about interviewing …

    Imagine if, when you show up to an interview, neither you or your interviewer know the question in advance. Maybe the recruiter or another party tells the both of you what is the question or problem to solve at the start of the interview. What would happen? This is my hypothesis, this is what I…

  • Good Advice! — Follow Opportunity NOT your Passion

    Good Advice! — Follow Opportunity NOT your Passion

    I recently have been contemplating making a slight change in my career, but I am finding it hard to do.  The recruiters in the areas they are looking for people that already have experience. in the area that I used to work, straight development I can go back to it, but I need to brush…

  • Rejection is good

    I’ve had a lot of rejections, when I look for a job or a relationship. Haven gotten some jobs and some relationships that I should have not, I now realize that rejections are good. Rejection like pain is not welcomed, I avoid it at all costs. However upon reflection, I think all rejections I’ve got…

  • David VS Goliath

    David VS Goliath

    I really like it when science or secular philosophy analyzes a biblical story. This particular TED talk is about the story of David VS Goliath and how we often, perhaps mistakenly, we assume that the giant (Goliath) should be the favorite to win. [ted id=1831] Malcom Glaldwell makes some interesting points: Goliath probably suffered from…

  • Heroes II – English

    Heroes II – English

    As I kid I loved these movies, I was amazed!    

  • Proverbs II

    Proverbs II

    My posts titled Proverbs are a collection of quotes that have impacted me in some way and that I like to share with friends when I get a chance. In some cases they are profound, in some others they are just funny  and not so edifying. Here are some manly quotes from movies, I selected…

  • The house God has bless me with!

    The house God has bless me with!

    God has been so good to me, I am blessed to have a house in the first place, many people do not. I am also very blessed to have found this spot, this particular home. Morgan Hill is a great place to live and the commute to work is about 1.2 hours, typical for the…

  • Proverbs


    Intruduccion Esta es una collecion de Proverbios 3 Exhortación a la obediencia 1 »Hijo mío, no te olvides de mi Ley, y que tu corazón guardemis mandamientos,
 2 porque muchos días y años de vida y de paz te aumentarán.
 3 Nunca se aparten de tila misericordia y la verdad: átalas a tu cuello, escríbelas en la…

  • The Espino Family

    The Espino Family

    How the idea originated One day I asked my father, Elias Espino, about the names of my uncles and of his cousins. I noticed that the names were biblical but very unusual in Mexico. I already knew that my grandfather, also named Elias,was a baptist christian. Then I asked him if his grandparents, my great…

  • Belief in Heaven, Hell Alters Crime Rates

    This newser article “Belief in Heaven, Hell Alters Crime Rates”, this is quite interesting in light of the bible study we are doing , going through the book “The reason for God”, which mentions this very fact. If you do not believe in a God that will do justice at the end; then you are…