
Intruduccion Esta es una collecion de Proverbios 3 Exhortación a la obediencia 1 »Hijo mío, no te olvides de mi Ley, y que tu corazón guardemis mandamientos,
 2 porque muchos días y años de vida y de paz te aumentarán.
 3 Nunca se aparten de tila misericordia y la verdad: átalas a tu cuello, escríbelas en la tabla de tu corazón
 4 y… Read more →


proverbios colecciona sabiduria como si fuera oro… Estos son algunos de los dichos, refreanes, consejos, poemas, y consejos que me han impactado.     “La felicidad no se tiene, se recuerda” — Elias Espino “Hasta que el pueblo no las canta, las coplas no son. Y cuando el pueblo las canta, ya nadie sabe su autor” — Manuel Machado. “Cuantas… Read more →

The Espino Family

How the idea originated One day I asked my father, Elias Espino, about the names of my uncles and of his cousins. I noticed that the names were biblical but very unusual in Mexico. I already knew that my grandfather, also named Elias,was a baptist christian. Then I asked him if his grandparents, my great grand parents They were also… Read more →

The reason for God — Chapter VI.- Science has disproved Christianity

  Here are some common objections or questions: “As a believer in evolution, I can’t accept the Bible’s prescientific accounts of the origin of life.”, “The Bible is filled with accounts of miracles… hey simply could not have happened”. Richard Dawkins in his book: “The God delusion” argues that you can not be an intelligent scientific thinker and still hold religious beliefs, it… Read more →

The reason for God — Chapter IV.- The church has caused so much injustice in the world.

Some common questions, objections: There are atheist that are better than the Christians I know….there is a background of personal disappointment.If Christianity is the truth then:  There are 3 areas: Why the moral faults of Christians? Answers: Should’nt Christians not be an example to everyone?… A misunderstanding of what Christianity teaches about it self We are all by nature bad, all… Read more →

The reason for God — Chapter V.- How can a loving God send people to Hell?

Here are some common questions,objections: “I doubt the existence of a judgmental God who requires blood to pacify his wrath, a God that must be appeased with pain and suffering can not  exist”…”but why can’t he just forgive us?” Here are some answers: Christians do not/should not think that people are “bound for hell” are less valuable or hold less… Read more →

The reason for God — Chapter III.- Christianity is a straitjacket

Common questions or objections: “One truth fits all is too confining” “Christians believe that you must believe the same as me or else…”,”Christianity divides instead of unifying…Only by allowing everyone to define their own truth is everyone free.Absolute truth is the enemy of freedom.”,” Christianity considers some things immoral and segregates those that practice them.” Answers: Is freedom the ability to… Read more →

Eddie Izzard

Eddie Izzard is one of the funniest comedians ever, even though he uses a lot of profanity which really turns me off, he is an original genius. He had a hard life growing up, he is a transvestite and does not believe in God. I pray that Eddie will start noticing that God has been there all along and has… Read more →