This was an interesting event, the idea was to come up with and implement (or prototype) an innovation at PayPal. To announce it they created this presentation, which is kinda cool. I appear on this presentation a couple of times on the very first slide ( I am the guy with the microphone) and latter on making the “V” sign… Read more →

Movies with a nice message Sucker Punch .- I haven’t liked a movie so much in quite a long time. It has everything I like in a movie: A good story and a good message, and except for the violence basically a PG movie. Great action sequences, great special effects, just visually stunning, an beautiful girls, what else could you… Read more →
Evidencia del Espiritu Santo
Me di cuenta la semana pasada, al platicar con un compañero de trabajo acerca de Dios, la Biblia, el Cristianismo y otras creencias de algo interesante. Cuando le platicaba que lo que los cristianos creemos, en el sentido de saber y confesar, que Dios en la persona del Espiritu Santo entra a morar en nuestras vidas y corazones. Y es… Read more →
Evidence of the Holly Spirit
I realized something this last week when talking about God, Christianity, the bible and other religions. When I was describing that we christians believe, as in know, that God in the person of the Holly Spirit comes and lives in our hearts, in our beings. What I realized was this: I believe this is true because it is in the… Read more →
Tecno Predictions
Microsoft should eventually replace it’s own OS by Linux and serve as a desktop, similarly to what MAC has done. Some time in the near future a device, a cellphone, will be developed that will be connected to an IPAD, through the docking interface. This way you will be able to connect any vendor’s hardware to the IPAD and you… Read more →
The perturbation of love … C.S. Lewis
To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact , you must give your heart to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in… Read more →
La perturbacion del amor
Amar, es ser vulnerable. Ama qualquier cosa y tu corazón será sin duda retorcido, y probablemente roto. Si quieres asegurarse de mantenelo intacto, no entregues tu corazón a nadie, ni siquiera un animal. Envuelvelo cuidadosamente con pasatiempos y pequeños lujos; evita todos los enredos; encierralo en una caja fuerte o un ataúd de tu egoísmo. Pero en ese cofre –… Read more →